Alle berichten van MildredDuard

16/06/17 18:09

[size=5][b]XRumer 16.0 + XEvil 3.0[/b]: íîâûé ðåâîëþöèîííûé êîìïëåêñ äëÿ îáõîäà ëþáîé êàï÷è[/size]


[b]1. Ìîùíûé èñêóññòâåííûé èíòåëëåêò[/b]: ïðîãðàììå "XEvil" èçâåñòíî ñâûøå 8000 ðàçëè÷íûõ
âèäîâ êàï÷è, â òîì ÷èñëå òàêèå ïîïóëÿðíåéøèå, êàê Google-êàï÷à, ßíäåêñ-êàï÷à, SolveMedia, VKontakte-êàï÷à,
Captcha.Com, Facebook-êàï÷à, Ucoz-êàï÷à, DLE-êàï÷à è ìíîãèå äðóãèå

[b]2. Âûñîêàÿ ñêîðîñòü è òî÷íîñòü ðàñïîçíàâàíèÿ[/b]: ïðè ñêîðîñòè 0.01 ñåê íà èçîáðàæåíèå,
XEvil ñïîñîáåí ðàñïîçíàâàòü ñ âûñîêîé òî÷íîñòüþ ëþáûå êàï÷è, íåçàâèñèìî îò èõ ñëîæíîñòè,
èñêàæ¸ííîñòè, çàøóìëåíèÿ, øðèôòà, ðàñöâåòêè.

[b]3. Ïðîñòîé èíòåðôåéñ - ðàçáåð¸òñÿ äàæå øêîëüíèê[/b]: âñåãî 3 îñíîâíûå êíîïêè óïðàâëåíèÿ
ïîçâîëÿò ïîäêëþ÷èòü ïðîãðàììó äëÿ ðàñïîçíàâàíèÿ êàï÷è äëÿ øèðîêîãî ñïåêòðà ïðîãðàìì,
êàê SEO / SMM, òàêè è ïðîãðàìì àíàëèòèêè, ñáîðà èíôîðìàöèè, àâòîðåãèñòðàòîðîâ àêêàóíòîâ, è äð.

[b]4. Ãèáêîñòü â íàñòðîéêå ïîä ñîáñòâåííûå íóæäû[/b]: ëîãèêà ïðîãðàììû çàñêðèïòîâàíà ïðîñòûì
ÿçûêîì Lua, ÷åðåç êîòîðûé ñïåöèàëèñò ñìîæåò íàñòðîèòü ïðîãðàììó ïîä ñâîè ñïåöèôè÷åñêèå çàäà÷è.

[i]Ñì. â ßíäåêñå ïî çàïðîñó [b]"XRumer + XEvil"[/b]. [/i]

Ñïàñèáî çà âíèìàíèå! ;)

Ñì. òàêæå:
[url=]XEvil 3.0: ðåøåíèå êàï÷ Google, ßíäåêñà, Facebook, ÂÊîíòàêòå[/url], [url=]XEvil: âçëîì ËÞÁÛÕ Captcha[/url], [url=]XEvil 2.0: ðåøåíèå ñâûøå 8400 âèäîâ êàï÷è[/url]

[b]Âèäåî â YouTube[/b]:
"[url=]XEvil & ADDNEWS[/url]"
"[url=]XEvil & TrafficLinks[/url]"
"[url=]XEvil - getting captchas from other computer[/url]"

10/06/17 06:54

[size=5][b]XRumer 16.0 + XEvil 3.0[/b]: [color=red]NEW[/color] revolutional software complex for breaking any Captcha[/size]


[b]1. Powerful Artificial Intelligence[/b]: "XEvil" know more than 8000 of different types of Captcha,
including so popular, like Google-captcha, Captcha.Com, SolveMedia, Bing-Captcha,
Facebook-captcha, Ucoz-captcha, DLE-captcha, VBulletin-Captcha, SMF-Captcha and a lot of other

[b]2. High speed and precision[/b]: in speed [color=red][i]0.01[/i] second per image[/color],
XEvil can recognize and solve wide types or captcha with high precision,
without depending of difficulty, distortion, noises, fonts, colors.

[b]3. Very simple interface[/b]: just 3 main buttons to start recognition,
it so easy to use XEvil with a wide spectre of SEO, SMM, Analytics,
Mass Registering/Postion/Sending/Bruteforcing Software.

[b]4. Flexible[/b]: logic of XEvil scripted with Lua - easy language,
so if you need, you can adjust functionality as you want.

Interested? ;)
[i]just google for [b]"XRumer + XEvil"[/b]. [/i]

Thank you for your attention! :)

8/06/17 05:20

[size=5][b]XRumer 16.0 + XEvil 3.0[/b]: [color=red]NEW[/color] revolutional software for breaking any Captcha[/size]


[b]1. Powerful Artificial Intelligence[/b]: "XEvil" know more than 8000 of different types of Captcha,
including so popular, like Google-captcha, Captcha.Com, SolveMedia, Bing-Captcha,
Facebook-captcha, Ucoz-captcha, DLE-captcha, VBulletin-Captcha, SMF-Captcha and a lot of other

[b]2. High speed and precision[/b]: in speed [color=red][i]0.01[/i] second per image[/color],
XEvil can recognize and solve wide types or captcha with high precision,
without depending of difficulty, distortion, noises, fonts, colors.

[b]3. Very simple interface[/b]: just 3 main buttons to start recognition,
it so easy to use XEvil with a wide spectre of SEO, SMM, Analytics,
Mass Registering/Postion/Sending/Bruteforcing Software.

[b]4. Flexible[/b]: logic of XEvil scripted with Lua - easy language,
so if you need, you can adjust functionality as you want.

Interested? ;)
[i]just google for [b]"XRumer + XEvil"[/b]. [/i]

Thank you for your attention! :)

4/06/17 21:55

[size=5][b]XRumer 16.0 + XEvil 3.0[/b]: [color=red]NEW[/color] revolutional software complex for breaking any Captcha[/size]


[b]1. Powerful Artificial Intelligence[/b]: "XEvil" know more than 8000 of different types of Captcha,
including so popular, like Google-captcha, Captcha.Com, SolveMedia, Bing-Captcha,
Facebook-captcha, Ucoz-captcha, DLE-captcha, VBulletin-Captcha, SMF-Captcha and a lot of other

[b]2. High speed and precision[/b]: in speed [color=red][i]0.01[/i] second per image[/color],
XEvil can recognize and solve wide types or captcha with high precision,
without depending of difficulty, distortion, noises, fonts, colors.

[b]3. Very simple interface[/b]: just 3 main buttons to start recognition,
it so easy to use XEvil with a wide spectre of SEO, SMM, Analytics,
Mass Registering/Postion/Sending/Bruteforcing Software.

[b]4. Flexible[/b]: logic of XEvil scripted with Lua - easy language,
so if you need, you can adjust functionality as you want.

Interested? ;)
[i]just google for [b]"XRumer + XEvil"[/b]. [/i]

Thank you for your attention! :)

[i]See also:
[url=]XEvil: break ANY hard captcha[/url]

[b]YouTube video tutorials and samples:[/b]
"[url=]XEvil & AllSubmitter[/url]"
"[url=]XEvil & FastTrust[/url]"
"[url=]XEvil + DVchecker[/url]"

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